G Block
G Block
G Block viewed from the mound.

Photo: G Block  © LSA August 2015.
| EXIT | G Block | British Telecom | Training Field | Panorama | Fox News |
| Blocks: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | Location | Photo Gallery |


G Block was a single storey complex of five spurs to the west, and a two storey complex of three spurs arranged in a U-shaped formation to the east.

During the war it dealt with Traffic Analysis & deception operations. After the war it was Post Office training, and later British Telecom.

G Block is within the Conservation Area, but outside of the Trust's Core Area.

British Telecom
G Block - British Telecom
Despite the flaking paint of G BLOCK, the British Telecom sign is still visible.

Photo: G Block © LSA Oct 1999.
G Block 1999
The single storey spurs of G Block still within the perimeter of the Park.

Photo: G Block © LSA Oct 1999.
1960s spurs
During the 1960s, three 'pre-fab' spurs were added to the south west of G Block.

Photo: G Block © LSA Oct 1999.
Spurs 2012
Still standing (just), the three 'pre-fab' spurs of G Block.

Photo: G Block © LSA Oct 2012.
Training Field  
Training Field
As the Post Office training expanded, four single storey sheds were added to the north east of the site by about 1976.

Photo: British Telecom Training field © LSA Oct 1999.
See a panoramic view of G Block from the training field with this patchwork photo.

Photo: The training field heavily overgrown © LSA Oct 1999.
G Block in 2012
G Block in 2012 with new apartments close by. 

Photo: G Block (on left) © LSA Oct 2012.
G Block and Training Field
How it was: Screenshot showing location within Park.

Map/image © 2007 Google and Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky, The GeoInformation Group.
BT Sheds
The British Telecom sheds.

Photo: BT Sheds on the edge of the training field © LSA Oct 1999.
Photo Gallery  
Photo Galleries
See the photo gallery [August 2015] showing G Block on the outer edge of the Park close to the (comparatively) new housing estates. 

Gallery opens in new window.

Photo: G Block © LSA August 2015.

Fox News (USA)

A 'block' is a news segment, each one being separated by commercials (adverts). The top news stories are contained in the 'A-Block', so by default, 'G-Block' contains the less newsworthy stories!

Design, images and text compiled by © Light-Straw. Page last updated August 2015 revision. Checked May 2021.

All logos and trade marks are the property of their respective owners and are used on the Light Straw site(s) for review only. Students and researchers are recommended to make their own independent enquiries as to the accuracy of the information contained therein.