Mondial House - A Landmark in The City
The Switching Details
Mondial House - The Switching Details
It served its purpose well and carried millions of international calls mon-dial (world-wide).

Here we look back at its history and role in the development of international switching...

Photo: Courtesy of 'Youngleavers' circa 1980s.
| EXIT | Landmark Tour: | LM 1 | LM 2 | LM 3 | LM 5 | LM 6 |
| LM 4 | Switch Tour |
Mondial House

Once upon a time, Mondial House was Europe's largest international telecommunications complex...

In the late Seventies (circa 1978) De Havilland and Mollison International Switching Centres at Stag Lane were already carrying the growth in ISD traffic and Mondial House was only just nearing completion along the banks of the River Thames.

Mondial was a massive building, constructed for an era when switching equipment was big and bulky. As the TXK switches were being installed, the digital age was dawning, but Mondial served its purpose well, at a transitional time when both staff and equipment had to be located in London.
Data Works Orders Desks
Each circuit provided needed a Works Order.

Photo: Data Works Order Desks - Courtesy of 'Youngleavers' circa 1980s.

Mondial IRS was the International Repeater Station on the main part of two floors.

Mondial ISPC was the International Sound Programme Centre on the north-west corner of the upper-ground floor.

Mondial ITMCs were the International Transmission Maintenance Centres which were located on the first floor.

Mondial IATAE was the International Accounting and Traffic Analysis Equipment.

For Mondial and Thames A ISCs, this was located on the third floor. Thames B formed part of the equipment.

Mondial ICC was the International Control Centre. Located on the sixth floor, Mondial's International Control Centre was officially opened on 3rd May 1984 by Lady Jefferson. [At the time,  Sir George Jefferson was chairman of British Telecom.]

Mondial ISC was the International Switching Centre which occupied the entire fourth floor and part of the third.

Thames ISC was located on the second floor of Mondial, with Thames B extension on part of the first.

Mondial Gateway was the digital switch replacement for the TXK2.

Mondial Miscellaneous facts.


Mondial House was at 90-94 Upper Thames Street, London, EC4R 3UB.
BTI Brochure-Designed by Terence Kingston Project Design London, Printed in England by Gavin Martin Ltd. December BTI PR 286 British Telecommunications plc.
Post Office Telecommunications Journals Spring 1978.
POEEJ January 1978 - The TXK2 Switching System and Peripheral Equipment at Mondial International Telephone Services Centre by D.C. Modi and K.W. Young.

With thanks to Mark Rippingale, Adrian Russell, Peter Walker and John Burt, Leon Baird and contributors.

Design, images and text compiled by © Light-Straw. Thanks to 'Youngleavers'.
Page last updated June 2015 revision. Checked May 2021.

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