Mondial House - Standard Telephones and Cables (STC)
Standard Telephones and Cables
By the Spring of 1972, Mondial House was still in the early stages of construction. The photo was part of an advert for Standard Telephones and Cables (STC) who was contracted to supply the transmission equipment.

"We're putting the transmission equipment into Europe's latest international switching centre. Here's what the world gets out of it."

Advert: Standard Telephones and Cables Limited - A British Company of ITT.
| EXIT | Landmark Tour: | LM 1 | LM 3 | LM 4 | LM 5 | LM 6 |
| LM 2 | STC |
STC Advert in Post Office Telecommunications Journal

"When London's Mondial House opens for business, new international circuits will help relieve the congested traffic routes.

It will ultimately handle around 180,000 calls an hour on 18, 000 international circuits via cable, microwave and satellite links.

Linking the UK with 29 European countries - with transit facilities between the old and new world. Providing intercontinental circuits to a total of 51 countries - including the USA, Canada, Africa, India, Australia, and the Middle and Far East.

The British Post Office has entrusted STC with the contract for the manufacture and installation of special multiplexing equipment, including frequency translating, carrier generating and supervisory equipment.

Manufactured to BPO specification, this equipment is a special version of our well-proven range in Mark 6 construction. And by the mid 1970s, it will be making a world of difference to global communications."

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