Morris J Type - SLO 234
Royal Mail Van
Morris J Type SLO 234
SLO 234 was winner of the Post Office Vehicle Club trophy in 2014.

The advertising board reads:

It'll pay you to be a postman. Phone LPR 3296.

Photo: Morris JB Type at Milton Keynes Museum © LSA April 2014.
| EXIT | Morris JB  |
The GPO Types

The GPO Fleet purchased more than 6000 Morris J type vans for both postal and engineering duties.

Thus the GPO JB type was specified with:
  • Rubber front and rear wings
  • Improved locks for security
  • Headlamps fitted to the cabside instead of the chassis
  • Rear door locking bar, driver operated (some utilities)
  • Diesel engines (some batches)
  • Driver's opening windscreen (some vehicles)

Morris J Types at Debden
Royal Mail Morris J Types SLO 234. The advertising board reads:

Never be without a book of stamps.

Morris J Types YLH 449 and SLO 234 at Debden for the Post Office Vehicle Club's 50th anniversary event © LSA Sept 2012.
SLO 234
Royal Mail Morris J Type SLO 234. Advertising board reads:

Stamps in books save time.

SLO 234 at Post Office Vehicle Club Rally, Milton Keynes Museum © LSA April 2014.
Post Office Vehicle Club Trophy Winner
The owner of SLO 234 receives the 2014 trophy for the best restored vehicle of the year.

Owner of SLO 234 at Post Office Vehicle Club Rally, Milton Keynes Museum © LSA April 2014.
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