EDSAC replica |
EDSAC replica at TNMoC, Bletchley Park.
Photo: EDSAC replica © LSA
August 2015.
EXIT | EDSAC replica | |
Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator.
EDSAC replica |
Using EDSAC...
"EDSAC users prepared programs on punched paper tape.
The operator would load the tape in the reader and press the
START button. The EDSAC 'initial orders' would automatically
read in the program, translate it into binary machine code
and numbers, then start the program running. Output was
typed on a teleprinter. The operator could monitor the
program using a bank of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) to peek at
the contents of store and the registers."
Photo: EDSAC racks ©
LSA August 2015.
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Light-Straw. Page last updated August
2015 revision.
Checked May 2021.
All logos and trade marks are the property of their respective owners
and are used on the Light Straw site(s) for review only. Students and
researchers are recommended to make their own independent enquiries as
to the accuracy of the information contained therein. |