Bygone days...
Post Office Tower circa 1970
| EXIT | Bygone Days | Present Day |
The Postmaster General, Anthony Wedgwood Benn, said that the Post Office Tower symbolised 20th-century Britain. Lean, practical and futuristic, it epitomised the technical and architectural skills of the second industrial revolution.
Bygone Days
Bygone Days
Last Admissions... Queueing for reception while the uniformed attendant ensures that visitors behave in an orderly manner.

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Present Day  
Present Day
In the 21st century, the public no longer queue round the block, as visits to the Tower are by special invitation only.

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Disclaimer: The Post Office Tower is CLOSED to the public. These pages are for historical reference only.
Design, images and text compiled by © Light-Straw. Page last updated 10 Aug 2021. Checked July 2024.

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