Join the Headset
London Telephones
In the late 1970s, London Telephones ran a campaign to recruit more telephonists as the demand for national and international calls increased dramatically. 'Join the headset' - There's no generation gap in telephone exchanges. If you've got the qualities and personality we are looking for, you're right for the job.

Produced by The Post Office London Telecommunications Region (PRO). Printed by Balding + Mansell, London and Wisbech.
| EXIT | Publicity and Recruitment |

[The enclosed slip gives you current rates.] Men and women receive equal pay. Men get a weekly additional allowance for working at night and on Sunday, and extra money for some night and Sunday hours. If you are ill and cannot work you will be paid within agreed limits.

Age limits

Women: 16 and under 59. Men: 21 and under 60.

Working hours

Women normally work a 5-51/2 day week between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm and do not usually work Sunday or night duty.

Men normally cover the night period between 6 pm and 8 am and 8 am and 6 pm on Sundays. Sometimes evening duties start at 5.30 pm. There are 5 attendances a week, made up of evening or all-night duties or, sometimes, a Sunday (day or night). At some exchanges there are 11 attendances a fortnight.

There is a 41-hour week, including meal times. Overtime is paid for hours worked over 41. You will know in advance what hours you are working in a particular week. You will find in practice that your working hours can be flexible.


You must be alert and in good health. You must be able to speak clearly and be easily understood. Your handwriting and spelling must be reasonably good and you must be able to recognise English place names when you hear them. Your hearing and sight must be adequate.


You will have 3 weeks and 3 days holiday each year, plus extra days after further service. You will also have 91/2 days public, bank and Post Office holidays (or the equivalent).


Staff restaurants serve good meals at reasonable prices. There are price concessions for those under 19 years of age.


You will have a thorough training and you will be paid while you are learning. The basic training course takes from 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the kind of work you decide on.


Promotion to higher posts or into other Post Office work is open to very telephonist who is ambitious. All supervisors began as telephonists.


The Post Office has a Superannuation Scheme to which all staff between 18 and 55 years of age contribute. Further education If you are under 18 you are entitled, and encouraged, to go to further education classes in working hours on one day a week. If any member of the staff wishes to attend evening classes we will be happy to give advice.

Social activities

With a staff of 56,000, it is not surprising that London Telecommunications Region has clubs covering interests ranging from football to photography, from art to karate. Especially if you are away from home, these are the places to meet people and make friends.

Working for London Telephones is more than just a job.

Join the headset

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