Rules and Regulations

The Post Office did everything by the rule book, but this helped to create well disciplined staff who were more likely to do an efficient job. Thus 'GPO' trained staff were well sought after because they could be relied upon.

Extract from the rules...


Must be adjusted before taking up positions. Important to relieve colleagues without wasting time. Instruments must not be taken outside the exchange when breaks are taken. they must never be taken to the Dining Room or outside cafes.


All keys and time checks to be restored. calls in progress to be handed over to the relieving operator or adjacent telephonist. (On 3.2) to be entered in 'Reports' space. If advised to drop position and no adjacent operator, draw the Section Supervisors attention to the call in progress. Ticket should be initialled by person taking over call.


Pencil should be ready, instrument adjusted, handbag placed on hook under switchboard. DO NOT BRING LARGE BAGS OR SHOPPING BAGS, PARCELS, BOOKS OR PAPERS IN THE EXCHANGE. As these can be a nuisance to the adjacent telephonists and also give an untidy appearance to the exchange. Coats and cardigans must not be placed on the back of the chairs nor worn slung over the shoulders. Telephonists  personal property cannot be put under the supervisors table but may be put into the drawer of the supervisors table with her permission. Monitor and sign calls already in progress on your position and any adjacent position which may be unstaffed. 
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Helena Wojtczak